Thanks so much to everyone!!!
Pics from the party!
Jason made the watermelon baskets and cut up all the fruit.
Cookies Jason made, you can also see the people playing soccer...Hayden kept trying to join their game.
My friend Jeana, she went to work putting the centerpieces together when I looked at it for 2 min. and said I give up LOL.
She got them both in no time...cut me some slack, she has been a Mom longer than me :)
Uncle Scott and Uncle Rick helping to tape the table cloths down.
Some friends keeping the trio entertained while we finished setting up. William and Hannah were very nice to let the trio play with their bubbles. Lily was loving all the Mickey Mouse stuff.
Meet the mice...Xander
Miss Hayden
LilyBug and their friend Hunter.
Good bubble blowing form Lily, just got the stick a little too close.
Xan and Uncle Rick had a great time playing ball.
Hunter joined in too.
Hayden and Lily did spend a little time on the play equipment and of course in the swings.
The cake...yummy!
Lily made the first grab while we were trying to take pictures, then Xander and Hayden had to join in.
Hayden decided to get shy...and get cake all over her face.
When the party started breaking up Lily got to play with the balloons.
Hayden was ready to go home.

When we got home we found these great gifts on our porch...thanks Gayle and fam!
When we got home we found these great gifts on our porch...thanks Gayle and fam!
Lots of great bubbles...they also got their 1st play-doh set and an awesome set of crayons and paints and chalk.
They loved these new cups...can't wait to try them out.
Some new PJs
Lily and Xander modeled theirs for us but Miss Hayden was just too busy.
They love their new books, here the girls are both yelling "Elmo"
1 comment:
Great pics! Looks like they had an awesome birthday. Good to see a new belly pic from you! 15 weeks already!
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