Hanging with Auntie :)
We all then went out to Izzy's for a quick dinner and the kiddos had a great time feeding themselves. They powered down handful after handful of kidney beans, beets, green beans, baby corn....all things that I am sure later they will swear they hate and will never eat LOL We noticed today that Hayden has 4 molars that just poked through, Lily has two, and Xan wouldn't let me look. Hayden has joined her sister in clapping, and she is still snapping her fingers when music plays....I have to get video of this it is sooo cute!
On the 3 hour drive back the trio again did very well and slept half the way. While they were passed out Jason was pointing out all the fun outdoorsy stuff between Portland and Bend that we will be doing with the babies once they are older. Such as camping out in actual teepee's on the local Indian reservation, going to Frog Lake...where the banks are literally crawling with frogs, sledding and skiing down the mountain. It occurred to me again how lucky these guys are to have such a fun and outgoing, and totally involved, daddy. They will get to do so much more than I ever did as a child...and I can't wait to do it all with them :)
With three uninterrupted hours to chat with your spouse you tend to hear a lot of old stories, some you have heard before and some that are new gems. Today after chatting about some of my hubby's fun camping and skiing trips as a child he told me about yet another near death experience he got himself into as a teen. I have come to the realization he has been very wrong to call himself "unlucky" for all the crap he has been in or near. He is in fact very lucky....to have lived through all of it. Today's story was about a trip he took with some friends on the very highway we were driving on. He was driving like a bat outta hell, going about 90mph, when they hit a tiny patch of ice. The car then spun around so they were still going in the correct direction but they were backwards. He tried to brake but as they were on ice...no stoppey. Then they hit another tiny patch of ice and believe it or not the car spun again and got it's self facing forward again and it was still going about 40mph. The tires grabbed pavement and he gassed it and on they went. Why you may ask, was he driving like an idiot? They had bought a WWF event on pay per view and were trying to get home in time. Where is my *eyeroll* smilie face?!?! Not that I never got into any accidents or near misses, but I sure as shit never almost killed myself over the WWF LMAO I can smell what the "Rock's got cooking" and it's not good!
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