Playing games at the gym...
Xander seemed to love this game the most...hmm wonder why LOL.
Lily and Hayden LOVED their dresses, they looked so cute in them too :)
More games.
A group shot of a lot of the is so hard to wrangle a whole bunch of little ones.
Cupcake time!
The girls had to have party hats so here they are, all the kids seemed to enjoy wearing theirs to.
The girls blew out their candles all by themselves at the same time.
Xander was a tad late and needed a little prompting LOL.
He did NOT need any prompting to eat his cupcake though hehehe. The mess begins!
After the Little Gym fun we headed back to our house for a BBQ. We had quite the caravan of cars following us back, it was pretty funny.
Some of the decorations I put up.
It was a beautiful 80 degree day...perfect for some burgers and hot dogs on the BBQ!
All the kids had fun on the trampoline and swingset. So nice to have stuff for them to do so the adults can actually chat...a little :)
Cutie pie Kenzie and her Momma.
We introduced a huge blow up monkey for the kids to play with. We had no idea what was about to go down....poor poor monkey.
No one knows what he did to earn him such a beat down but the kids mobbed him and beat his little monkey ass for a good 20 min LOL. Hunter had a stick, Tristan and Jordan were dropping elbows left and right...the monkey never had a chance.
This is where my sweet little Lily yelled out "Let's get him" to everyone.
They threw in a couple body slams. I really have no idea where they were getting this stuff, talk about brutallity :)
The trio eventually thought the monkey had had enough and carried him off.
Then Hayden did some dancing and playing nice with him for a little while. Hmmm maybe he was just being initiated into their tribe or something LOL.
Gift time...such fun! My kids got spoiled yet they deserve it :)
Thank goodness we had so many people Mr. Jericho was nice and content just about the whole time. He passed out during gift opening...sweet boy.
We really need to try harder next year to be more scheduled. By the time we got around to cake and the 2 or 3 bunches of frozen banana's on a stick more than half of our guests had already gone home. The extra bananas became ice cream but the left over cake is not going to be good for my diet!
The cake, yes, that is supposed to be 3 little monkeys not 3 lil bears.
The mess begins, again! Yummy chocolate covered frozen bananas.
When almost everyone had cleared out we filled the pool and let them play and wash a little. Xander needed it bad hahaha.
The monkey drank a lot of water. The pool got gross and had to be dumped and filled 3 times ewww.
Our last guests were Stone and his Mom. This is the little neighbor friend the kids made through our back fence. It was so great that they got to play together...he fit right in and all 4 of the kids got on so well. I think we are going to need to install a ladder over our back fence :)
Last thing of the day we broke out the kids final gift...the powerwheels. Oh was this a bad idea or what. They have zero idea about steering, or even letting off the gas when they have run into's just pedal to the metal at all times. Makes Momma very scared, but they loved them hehehe.
Stone and Lily were out for a spin on their first date :)
What a day. My kids are so loved and so very fortunate. Thank you so much to all our family and friends for making today so special XOXOX!
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