So yesterday was kind of blah. We had to take Lily in to the Pedi, she has been wheezing again...and no Jason didn't burn anything this time :) She is now on an inhaled maint. steroid, and we will have to really watch her this cold and flu season since she seems to have some slight lung issues. We have decided to have me and Jason get our flu shots...and anyone that wants to see them this winter will have to also. LilyBug weighed in at a whopping 24 1/2 lbs...this means Xan and Hayden are over 25lbs....she is always about a pound behind. We then went to BRU and bought some more sippy's. I think we will be taking another bottle away and replacing it with a sippy of water, milk, or a little juice. That will leave just their bedtime and before nap bottles! After that we went to a restaurant with the inlaws for dinner. The babies did very well, we actually had people in the table next to us tell us they were using the trio as an example to their 4 year on how to behave :) Then the Blah began...they all have molars that will soon be coming through, Lily actually has had one half way in for a week or so. Last night another one must have been on the move she was miserable, crying, screaming and just inconsolable. We got her some Hyland's teething tabs and some baby orajel. Then she was pain free but got super hyper...not sure if it was the teething stuff or the inhaled steroid but she was nuts. Took us about 3 hours to get her down...I hope tonight is not a repeat performance.
Today we had another pup go to her new home, Fergie (now Juno) spent some time saying goodbye to the trio. This leaves just Annie, Jason's sister may be taking her!

I took the babies to a triplet picnic this afternoon, alone as Jason had to work, spent about an hour and a half chasing them all over and had had enough. No pics as I didn't have a moments peace to snap a single photo...they are really getting too mobile to take them anywhere alone. The picnic was nice though, got to visit with lots of other triplet moms and see lots of cute kiddos! We were given some really cute little triks for the babies when they are a tad older and some great clothes.
On a sad note...please say a prayer or send good thoughts to a fellow triplet momma tonight. Her babies were born 8 weeks ago at 25 1/2 weeks and she lost one of her sweet little girls to NEC today. Little Miss Annaleigh will be forever loved and missed.
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