
Sunday, September 23, 2012

A celebration of life.

Today was a celebration of life get together for Richard. A lot of really nice people came to show their love and it ended up being a good time.

Some pictures of Richard and some things that were important to him.
So many great pictures.

Her sure loved his kids and grandkids.
Back in the day :)

He was a fan of all things Indian. Stacie made this dreamcatcher for him.

Jason brought this hat back for him from our trip to Hawaii back in 07...he loved it.

The trio entertained themselves, brings a new idea to beer pyramid LOL. When they got it all stacked up they would turn around and say "behold the great tower!"

Jericho mostly liked knocking it down.

Stacie and Grandma, and Jason too, did a little talking about Richard and some toasting!

Jericho loved Grandpa's hat. Howdy little feller LOL.

Xander was all about being a rock star today...especially with Auntie's shades.
Our little Mac Daddy had a huge crush on Katelyn. He sat by her and talked her ear off for almost 40 minutes LOL. He didn't even care that her husband was there :)
Wanna go for a ride on my bike?
She was super sweet and let him down gently Hehehe.

Lily Bug was building nests for eggs (rocks) that were hatching into baby alligators and baby birds. I couldn't exactly tell the difference in the eggs myself but Lily knew what was up.
3 cute girls :)


  1. So sorry about the loss of your father in law. It is hard losing anyone in the family. Peace to all of you.
