
Saturday, September 22, 2012

My three back up dancers!*

We had one more nice weather day on tap for today, so we took a little walk and checked out some big water.

A little picnic lunch first.

An old pulley system..too bad it is locked down now. Not that I would have gone up in that scary looking thing LOL.

A really pretty bridge. I was freaked out for Jericho...thankfully Grandma was too, since Jason doesn't always listen to me, he thinks I am a freak out when it comes to the kids. Well duh, I'm a Momma...that is what I do :)

The trio saw fish down below, they wanted to go fishing and catch them.
Jason finally put Jericho on his shoulders, so I could stop freaking. Heights and water...both are no-no's with kids if you ask me, and make me very nervous. Only thing we didn't think about...well, now you see his hat.
Now you see it in the water. Jericho, the little turd, threw Jason off his game by trying to throw his shoe in. When Dad was busy with the shoe, Jericho snatched his hat off and tossed it over. We saw it for a long time as we walked.

Pony rides :)
Fun stops along the way.

You may notice the extra hands in the picture...Jericho and Lily were not feeling like sitting still.

4 busy kiddos.

Such a goober.
The water got wild fast, this is about when we lost sight of Jason's poor hat.

One small part had safety rails up...only need to add about a mile more.

So beautiful!
Such a cute bunch :)

Haddie and I were walking by this bush when she said "look Momma, acorns!" She ran over to the bush and grabbed what from a distance looked like an acorn, ended up just being dying leaves. She grabbed one and once she realized they weren't what she thought they were she said "Oh HaHa they were just pretending to be acorns."
Jericho was all about getting as close to the edges as possible...little shit :)

Pony rides for all...yeehaw. They got super attached to these sticks pony's...we ended up having to take them home with us.
We had a big surprise for the kids tonight. We were going to let them stay up way passed their bedtime to see their Auntie Stacie's band play. So we had to have a late dinner, then take the dogs for a walk, and try to keep them awake until the show.

We even did a late round of showers.
A little sugar rush was needed just before the show. The trio had their first Dairy Queen sundae's...they were a hit!

The band played in a bar, so the kids just stood at the doorway and listened for about 45 min. Funny, as we were pulling up the band started playing Hayden's fave "Auntie Stacie song" so the dancing began right away.
They loved getting to see her rock, Xander kept saying he wanted to rock too LOL. They were doing so much dancing out front that half the bar got up to look out the door at the trio and take pictures LOL. Thankfully Auntie Stacie and the band did not mind the temporary show stealing :)
I had to get a short video of the dancing going on...too cute. Only a min long.
The dancing continued.

They were so proud of their Auntie! We can not wait until next summer when they band will play some outdoor...all ages, shows!
We are huge fans of Miss Stacie, hopefully she will be trying out for The Voice this next season...I predict a 4 chair turn! Here is a little 1 min clip of a song she sang tonight. I posted some of her other songs here...check em out!

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