
Monday, September 10, 2012

Catching Tude

Xan, Haddie and Lily have been doing great in school so far! They seem to love their teacher and new class friends. Lucky them, the kids are saving all their tude for us here at home LOL.
Honestly 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 was the hardest time for us with the triplets. They have really come a long way, and 4 has been pretty good so far, but man can they be moody little things. I know I was a super moody tween/teen...but I don't remember it starting at 4 LOL.

Lily was in special form today, everything was sending her into a fit. Ah good times! It is nice when you can find the humor in even the most frustrating times...Lily gave us a little of that too. This is a little convo that she and her Dad had today.

Lily (in a huff): I'm going to my room.
Jason: Well that's a good place for a cranky child.
Lily: Don't talk to me Dad.
Jason: Lily.
Lily: No.
Door slam.

I am not sure I should find that as funny as I do...but I can't stop laughing just rethinking of it right now LOL. I am pretty scared for the, oh, 11-25 age range with my girls. Not to worry, Bug is not always cranky these days. Just 5 min after the above drama she was back and playing with us. She ran her thumb into my foot and said "Ouch Momma your foot hurt me." I said "Sorry baby, it was an accident." My sweet, and possibly bi-polar LOL, child said "That's OK Momma, you're still my best friend." Awwwwwwww melt.

We let the kids play for a bit when we picked them up from school today.
Of course he would want to ride the scooter.

Oh look, Bug happy :)

Trying out the monkey bars.

Seems my little monkeys are not so little anymore. Someone forgot to tell them that they just turned 4 and 4T stuff should not be belly shirts LOL.I think we need to go shopping for some size 6 shirts.

Tonight the boys teamed up against Lily, to pull her off the couch. They are going to be a formidable team...thankfully they are pretty gentle with their sisters :)

She was loving it...she is the same child that actually likes tickle torture LOL.

Fall is almost upon us. We have been breaking out the crock pot more...tonight's dinner was pretty yummy!
Hawaiian BBQ chicken over rice.
4-6 Boneless Chicken Breasts (mine were still frozen!)
1 Bottle Archer Farms Hawaiian Style Barbecue Sauce (from Target)
1 20 oz. can Pineapple Chunks, drained
Spray the inside of your crock pot with cooking spray for an easy cleanup! Place frozen chicken breasts in the crock pot and cover with sauce. Empty can of drained pineapple chunks on top. Cook on High for 2-3 hours or Low for 4-6 hours. Shred chicken with two forks while still in the crock pot so the chicken will be well coated with sauce. Serve over rice.

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