
Friday, September 7, 2012

Getting the peepers checked.

The triplets had their first eye exam, since leaving the NICU, today. Xander, Hayden and Lily did such a great job, they behaved and were very brave. Jericho, on the other hand, was a total pain in the ass LOL.

The trio had been checked, and given a good report, while they were in the NICU. And with the level of medical care now a days, serious eye issues...due to premature birth, are 50% less likely in babies born weighing more than 2 lbs 12 oz. Lily was born 10 oz over that weight, Xan was a full pound over and Haddie was a couple oz heavier than Xan. So we were expecting the appointment would go fine. Though we didn't know just how the kids would take all the gadgets, and lights, and everything.

We had a 15min wait in the waiting room. Everyone grabbed some reading material :)
Once the boring grown up magazines got old, we headed over to the little "kid" area. Thank goodness the nurses came for us a couple min later, cuz this area was lame.

We got rooms right across from each other, I had Xander going in my room and Jason had Hayden going in his. Xander was cool as a cucumber, Hayden started off a little rocky but came around pretty fast.

The nurses had some pretty fun gadgets, Xander was having a good time.

Then it was time for the eye drops. He cried for a min or so, but actually took it better than I do. I hate having crap put in my eyes. Hayden freaked out big time, but she calmed down pretty quick too.

Then it was Lily's turn. Lily Bug was so excited for stickers, she was quite chipper.
We had some shy, quiet, confused answers to the "What do you see now?" questions by all 3 kids, but overall they did a good job.
Check out Lily's jeans. Those are a size 6X...and she is our shortest child, not to mention none of the kids have hit their growth spurt yet. My just turned 4 year olds are out growing size 6 stuff whoa!

Then there was another 10 min or so of waiting while the drops did their job. Did I mention yet that Jericho was a PITA?!

Trying to keep him out of everything was the hardest part.
Such a monkey.
All those frames were straight when we walked in Hahaha.

The Doctor looked over everyone, and said they all look pretty good. Yay babies! Xander is a little far sighted right now, but he said it was very minor and thinks it will probably correct itself. He would like to see them once a year, to keep tracking their sight. They loved their little sunglasses.

So happy to be done, and because they earned some mini cupcakes for being so good.

Mom must have done an awesome job too, since I got to wear all of Lily's stickers LOL.
The triplets eyes were dialated for the rest of the day, so we stayed inside and watched some TV. Just before bed Hayden, out of the blue and totally unprompted says...
  "Momma, can I be a Doctor when I grow up?"
I told her "Yes, baby, you can."
Lily then joins in and says "Momma I want to be a Teacher when I grow up."
Xander without a second to think about it adds "I'm going to be Spider-Man when I grow up."
LOL you do that Buddy!

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