
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fun with Gail and Skip.

I saw this one Pinterest one day, and dang it if it is not totally true LOL!
We had the kids Great Aunt Gail and Cousin, not sure what number LOL, Skip coming over today. They are in town from Florida and Chicago to visit Jason's Dad. In true procrastinator fashion, I was doing some last min cleaning this morning. The bigs were in school, but Jericho was very helpful. While I was busy doing a dust bunny round-up under my couch, Jericho thought it was a good time to jump on my back and refuse to get off LOL.
Aww thanks for the hugs Buddy.
Now get off :)
Silly boy!

Always nice getting to see family, though the visits are never long enough. The triplets are on a big family kick right now. They want to know how everyone is related to them. Then they will say "You are my family." It is kinda cute.
Everyone just loves their Great Aunt Gail. She always brings the kids such fun gifts. Thanks gail!

Little photo op time.

Funny Lily story for the day...Jericho and Lily, who was sitting on the potty, started fighting over a baby doll. There was some slaps exchanged, then Jericho grabbed the doll and started running off. Lily was in hot pursuit, scooting herself along while remaining seated  on the potty, after Jericho who was hauling balls outta there with the baby. She made it about half way across out living room when Jason and I's laughter registered with her (I was laughing so hard I was almost in tears,) she stopped and said "Momma why are you laughing?" Oh that's good stuff right there :)

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