
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Another first day of school, and deadly plants!

Today was the triplets first day of school! This is their 2nd year of Pre-School. They were super excited and, unlike last year, we had no tears at drop off! They have grown up so much since last years first day of school. 

Yeah their new back packs may be just a touch too big LOL. They LOVED them though, and you can cram a lot of crap in them.
Xander's is of course Spider-Man. We risked great upset, and got two different girl back packs. You never know when this will go over well, or when it will cause a big meltdown LOL. One has pink and gray guitars all over it and says Girls Rock...I thought for sure Hayden would love this one. The other has Peace and Love written all over it with peace signs and hearts and one huge shiny peace sign...I thought Lily would pick that one. They ended up not picking the way we thought they would Hayden had to have the shiny pink Peace sign, but good news is there was no problem with not having the same back packs!
Meeting their new teacher, Teacher Bonnie. So far they seem to really like her. Since we are back at their first school, after moving to a different school for a couple months at the end of last year, they got to see their old teachers. They ran to them and gave them huge hugs. The teachers told the kids how much they have missed them, how much they have grown and how great the flowers the kids gave them are doing LOL.
A little play time before class started.

The girls LOVE this little 2 seater bike. Xander can rally that scooter, I was surprised at how well, and how fast, he rode it.
Xander has been potty trained for all of 6 weeks, and he thinks he is ready to pee standing up already. We let him go with it..but his aim really needs some improvement LOL. A least if we have to clean up the mess we get to laugh (to ourselves only of course) when he over shoots one way only to over correct and over shoot another way Hehehe.
So we are lucky the kids have not gotten really sick, or worse. We have these plants in our backyard, been there since we moved in. The kids love playing with the berries, and eating them. I don't know why I never tried to figure out what kind of plant it was before, but it popped in my head today to check it out so I posted a pic on Facebook. You can imagine my horror when I am told it is Eastern Black Nightshade...and it is toxic. I do a little reading up about it and while it is not the very deadly form of Nightshade that gives us Belladonna, it has killed animals and KIDS!!!! Holy crap! Needless to say, Jason dug it up and we will be watching close to make sure it doesn't grow back. So scary. Here is a pic of it, in case anyone else doesn't know what Eastern Black Nightshade looks like. I feel so dumb for not finding out what it was years stupid.
I came across lots of interesting info while I was researching the Nightshade. There are so many deadly plants...and it is so nutty how many of them are used in and around homes because they are pretty. Jason and I read through this list of '16 Cute Killers' just so we would know what some other deadly plants look like. Pretty good to know, check it out.

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