
Monday, September 3, 2012

Jericho and Khiana kissing in a tree.

Happy Labor Day!
We spent the day at Grandma's, as usual her annual BBQ was so much fun. I can't believe this was our 4th year going with the kids. The triplets were just 7 weeks old, and a whopping 6-7 lbs on their first Labor Day...seems like a lifetime ago. Now they are 40 lb pre-schoolers who are potty trained, pretty wild.

Lily Bug enjoyed swimming.

Xan and Haddie mostly played on the steps and around the deck. Maybe next year they will be a bit braver and want to join their sister.
Jericho got naked on a table, yeah...we bring the party LOL!

He really enjoyed getting to visit with everyone, he is such a social boy.


The trio got some great Bday gifts from Aunt Julie...Thanks Auntie!
Skyler was loving playing with Jericho...he attracts all the cute girls :)

Lots of fun in the pool, it was a beautiful day...but dang was the water cold. Kids are nuts!

Xander and Pop Pop did a little fishing :) The bigger kids were nice enough to keep attaching Xander's "hook" onto stuff in the pool so he could reel stuff in.

Speaking of Mack Daddy...AKA Jericho. He and Khiana hit it off again this year LOL.
Their attraction started at last years Labor Day party.
Jericho got his first kiss LOL.
Xander and Khiana trying to make this little car a two seater LOL.

Some fun with Paul.

Miss Khiana is only 3 days older than Jericho, but has about 12 lbs on him LOL.

When we got home our giant pet spider was out. I have never seen a spider this big...the pictures don't do him justice. Talk about Labor Day, how much work must go into these cool webs.
Here he is checking out a regular sized spider. I thought the little guy was a goner, but he got away. Eeewww.

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