They were all super excited this morning, they were totally cooperative for breakfast, getting washed up, getting dressed even getting in and out of the car. They all greeted the teachers, each class has 3 teachers and a speech path. They also said hello to the other kids, there are 7 other kids in the class I believe. Things were going great until the teachers wanted to take the kids down the way to the classroom. Lily and Xander got right in the group of kids and were off, Lily only looked back one time. Hayden on the other hand hid behind us and didn't want to go. The teacher tried to talk her into coming but it was not going to happen. So Jason and I walked with the group to their class room. They took off their backpacks and were shown their cubbys and then started playing with all the toys. They had all totally forgotten about us, we stood around for a couple min and were ready to leave. Then it happened, Jason and I were not sure if we should just sneak off or if we should say goodbye and tell them we would be back. I just could not disappear so I yelled out "bye guys, we will be back soon." Xander and Lily said a quick bye without even looking up, but it was all over for Hayden. She ran to us crying and freaking out wanting to go with us. Since she is more of a Daddy's girl I took her over to some toys while Jason slipped out of the door...she was not falling for it and went to stand at the door. I waited a couple more min but she was still crying and not interested in anything I was trying to distract her with so I just told them we loved them and would be back soon.
The 2 hours flew by, though we couldn't stop thinking about how they were doing. When we got there to pick the kids up all 3 were happy and excited, and were eager to tell us about their day at school. We got the run down of their classroom and all the toys they played with, the pumpkin craft they made, the songs they sang, the book they read, how they went outside and played at recess and the snack they ate. They said bye to their teachers and the other kids and off we went. Hopefully they will all remember how much fun they had come next drop off time.
There was one boy in their class who we heard ecstaticly telling his mom about the two new girls in his class...little Andrew, we have our eyes on you :)
Some pics from today! So excited to be going to school.
The great backpacks
they got as a gift on their 1st Bday are perfect, and the trio just love that they are for school!
The teachers helping them get their backpacks hung up in their cubby. They took pictures of each kiddo today to put on their cubby.
All in all it was a good day, and I think they had a good first taste of school experience. Hopefully it only gets better from here.
Day 2: Thanks for my family. Those that have always been there, while I was growing up and still are today. And thanks to the others for leaving. I now know that everything that happens in ones life eventually gets them to where they are supposed to be. Your choices, which seemed beyond shitty at the time, actually helped me get to where I am in some weird butterfly effect kinda thing. So thank you, because I love where I am today.
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