
Friday, September 28, 2012

Homeward bound.

Time to go home! It has been a long 10 days away, ups and downs, sad times and good times...what a mixed bag. The trio, as I guessed, changed their minds and got all upset about going home of course.
Being silly before loading up in the car.

They had a great time, and miss their Auntie already.
Jericho had a little snack before we hit the road. Hopefully he will sleep much of the way home.
We loaded the kids in the car then put a DVD on for them while we did some last min packing and cleaned the floors...dogs and kids, you can't keep the floor clean Ha. It seems an hour of the DVD on aux power is too much. Thank goodness this old beast was there and had no problem jumping the SUV.
This was Jason's idea when the kids DVD started skipping and freezing. It did not work, better stick to the children's toothpaste idea LOL.
First thing when we got home Hayden found O.J. and told him how much she missed him.
Aww kitty kisses.

My little Diva, trying on my sunglasses. She asked me to take a picture of her Hahaha.

We came home to a bunch of sympathy cards and gifts. Thanks everyone, you are very kind.

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