
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Magic acts at dinner.

Tonight is our last night in Bend. The kids have been wanting to go home for the last 3 days...what do you bet tomorrow when it is time to go they all of a sudden want to stay LOL.

We met Auntie Stacie and "My David" as the girls call him LOL, for dinner.

Hayden and Lily wanted to leave their "babies" safe in the car. Both need to brush up on their carseat safety...but wow Lily, you need to retake the whole course LOL.

Just before we got to eating Haddie had to use the bathroom. I had to snap this pic because she was being so funny. She noticed she could look over and see her reflection while on the potty. She started making all kinds of silly noises and faces. I am sure the lady in the next stall appreciated the entertainment LOL.
We were treated to a magic act by our waiter...that is something that has never happened to us before LOL. The kids were enthralled. He was actually pretty good, did 2 or 3 different acts and earned himself an extra tip :)
Of course as soon as he left the triplets had caught the bug and were doing their own magic tricks LOL. They would say that their dessert had vanished and then would pull off the napkin while saying abracadabra and the dessert would reappear.
Thankfully the magic only started at dessert time...we may never have made it through dinner otherwise.


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