
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bouncing Off The Walls!

We are really close to having everything finished up here in Bend. The house is starting to feel more empty. The triplets talk about their Grandpa now and then. We finally sat them down and told them that he passed away, just before the wake. It went pretty good, I don't think they totally understood of course...but I do think they really gave it thought and seemed to care deeply that he wasn't going to be seeing them again.

We needed a day of silly, and so that is what we did. The kids were climbing the walls today and really needed to get out.

So where better to go than a place called 'Bouncing Off The Walls' LOL.
The munchkins split up and ran off in 4 different directions. I am so glad my kids aren't attached at the is nice to see, it is also nice when extra hands come along to help :)
Vroom vroom.

Jericho is such a little stud muffin. He climbed up this all by himself...with some little girl hurrying him the whole time no less.
Then after looking at both slides.
Down he came all by himself. He is my wild man :)

A little hoop-a-loop fun.
Xander gave these a try, I was only able to snap one...pretty bad, pic. He is going to need some more practice LOL.

Lily Bug was taking off through the obstacle course like a pro.
Haddie spent a lot of time at the train table.

Auntie Stacie and David had almost as much fun as the kiddos!

Jericho loved the little car slide...glad he is not always the adrenaline junkie LOL.

Xander was all over the place. I don't know how he has the energy when he still is staying up until midnight.

After a hour of bouncing off the walls dinner and a DRINK was in order! Mmm :)

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