
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We need to get this boy his own camera!

Still in Bend...not much going on with me today. But Xander was sure busy!

There is no doubt that my love of photography, as amateur as it may be, has rubbed off on my oldest son. I have to hide both my camera and my phone, if not I come back to find dead batteries and over loaded memory space Hahaha.

You can actually tell that his ability is growing...he just may have a future in photography, in a number of area's.

Product photography: You can see how his choice of lighting and composition show off these beautiful pony's.
PI work: He can catch em in the act, and provide photographic evidence of the indescretion.
Paparazzi: Can get the shot even when his subject is not cooperating.
Cute candids: Cute pics even if the photo quality is not superb.

Uh son, NO, just no. LMAO!
We need to let his love, and skills, grow. I must find him a good kid camera pronto! Do your kids have a camera, what brand...can it stand up to some abuse?


  1. Josh's grandfather had several cameras. When he moved into a home, Josh got them all. One didn't work, one has no charger for the batteries (but it does have a battery) and one is ancient.

    I gave the ancient but working one to Audrey. She LOVES it. And it stands up pretty well to her abuse.

    I would honestly suggest going with a normal but inexpensive camera. They are pretty hearty, and he won't out-grow it as quickly since you'll get better quality photos.

  2. my 4 year old twins got the vtech kid tough digital camera's last year for christmas. they are def. kid tough, they have both been thrown down a flight of stairs and they still work! there are a couple games on them as well, and the batteries seem to last about 4/5 months without being changed! they come with a cord to plug into my computer to upload the pics!

  3. Thanks ladies. I can't wait to get him something!
