
Thursday, September 20, 2012

One day at a time.

We got a lot of stuff done today at Jason's Dad's house, still seems like there is a long way to go. Stacie and Jason have the wake type thing set for Sunday. We still haven't told the kids what is going on yet, either it hasn't been the right time or it hasn't been the right place. I think we are just putting it off for as long as possible. Xander saw us bagging up some of his Grandpa's things for donation today, he told us "you can't take my Grandpa's stuff" then he asked us if his stuff is broken. When we finally have the talk I hope they don't take it too hard...they are so little, I hate that they have to be told about death at all.

We took a break, got out of the house for an hour or so, and let the kids play at a little near by park.

They actually enjoyed taking a little nature walk more than playing on the toys. Haddie found a bunch of mushrooms...thankfully she didn't want to eat any of them.

Monkey see, monkey do. Jericho is such a little stud muffin :)

Back at the house, the kiddos had fun with Auntie Stacie's dogs.
After a long day, the kids were wired. Like wired. When their room finally got quiet...around midnight, I went in to check on where they dropped. You will notice the bed was empty, except for a bunch of toys.
They trio passed out in their make shift tent LOL.
Poor tired pumpkins.

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