
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A sad loss today.

Jason's Dad passed away today. He has been ill for quite some time...he was such a fighter, but it was still so sudden. We got the call, we have known for the last 5 years would be coming one day, this morning that time was getting short. We packed just as fast as you can when you are packing up 2 adults, 4 children and 2 dogs, and hit the road. Bend is almost a 4 hour drive from us, 3 hours in and we had to make a stop for lunch. Just as we were about done with lunch Jason's sister called to let Jason say goodbye over the phone. We wanted so much to make it in time, no one thought it would be today, but Grandpa Richard passed away while Jason was on the phone.

We haven't told the kiddos yet, how do you try to explain something like death to 4 year olds. By the time we got to their Grandpa's house...where we are staying for the next few days, it was time for a very late dinner and bed. Xander walked in calling for his Grandpa, he looked in every room and asked us where he was...we were just here visiting their Grandpa a few months ago so the triplets totally knew who lived here and they were looking forward to seeing him. Thankfully it was late and they were hungry so we were able to dodge the talk tonight...but we will have to tackle it tomorrow. I am so sad for my kids, my husband, my sister in law and all of Richards family. He fought long and hard, and out lived every date they gave him...but it still wasn't never is I suppose :(

I am thankful that while they are nutty and can be a lot to handle, 4 little ones can sure help take your mind of things sometimes.

Sakari getting a brush job this morning just before putting her in the car. It didn't help, the car is still covered in hair .
She loved it anyway :)

The triplets were so excited that the dogs were coming with us this time. We all managed to fit in the car with no problems too!

Our quick stop for lunch. It was pretty amazing how good the munchkins did today. You know how people say kids, and animals, know when something is up...I think it is true. We never ever go to a park and not let them play...but we were just finishing eating when Auntie Stacie called so we packed up and left right away. The kids did not pitch a fit at all about not getting to play...we were both totally surprised.

After we got into town we spent some time over at Auntie Stacie's house. The kids just love her...I hope they helped ease just a little of her sadness, even if only for a short time.

They found a tape measure and took turns measuring anything and everything.
They found a "sand box"...AKA area of yard that had a sand like substance suitable for digging in LOL, that Auntie didn't know her yard had...and they got super dirty playing in it.

David gave Xander his first drum lesson. Xander was all over it!

Of course the other 3 had to join in. One or two more and we could have our own band :)

I had to take a couple pics of things that were near and dear to Grandpa's heart. His fridge at the house...
His calendar we made for him for Christmas.

This pic was sitting out on his table.

The kids all took off their shoes tonight and had to put them next to Grandpa's slippers...oh man it breaks my heart to have to give them such sad news tomorrow.
I am so glad we all got to spend time together on the cabin trip last month...that time will be forever cherished. Rest in peace are loved and missed.

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