
Thursday, October 25, 2012

A late start on Halloween decorations.

Halloween is only less than a week away...nothing like waiting until the last minute. We have been going in a hundred directions recently, but I admit I have been pretty lame in the crafty fun category so far this fall.
We took all afternoon to do a bunch of crafts today. The triplets have gotten so good at listening, trying to do a good job and are now really starting to take pride in their work.

I was really impressed that the girls were really trying to stay in the lines and color a little more carefully.
I didn't help them at all on these.

Xander, well he is not quite as careful yet LOL.
Next we moved on to our door decorations, saw this on Pinterest of course :)
Then we started painting our egg carton bats.

The girls wanted to do Hello Kitty ghosts...these were super easy LOL

Finishing touches.
Hello Kitty ghosts.
Little cat I drew and cut out.

The kids coloring...Jericho may have had some help :)
I think these would look better if you use the 3 cup egg carton, but here are our bats.

The door is very festive now LOL.
Jason made us a yummy dinner, crab fettuccine! Mmm Mmm good!
A friend of his from work gave us a couple crabs...guess crab season has been good around here.
So is what you need:
We used 2 crabs
1 cup butter
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 tsp minced garlic or 2 cloves
2 cups blend of parmesan cheese, romano and asiago
2 packages of fresh noodles
2T olive oil

How to:
Put water on to boil.
In a 2-3 QT pan melt butter, add garlic, add low heat. Let simmer and whisk for 5 min. Add cheese blend. Whisk cheese in for a couple min. Add the crab meat.
Add oil to boiling water and toss noodles in, boil 3 min. stiring frequently...don't want noodles to stick. Once noodles are done, drain and pour crab cheese sauce over them and mix. Serve!
*If you are not a garlic lover you can cut back on the 2 tsp.

I got 3 more blog books done, this puts me at 9...and I am working on the next one. I think 2 or 3 more and I will be caught up. LOL it never seems to get closer. Jericho is excited to read them obviously.

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