
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My cuties.

Brrr I think we are just about done hanging around after school to play. I am not even sure what the temperature was today...but it was too damn cold. I do not do cold weather well, and I am married to someone who thinks I'm an Eskimo...and gets annoyed at me if the heat is up higher that 72. I don't know how kids do it, playing happily for hours out in the cold....and I don't really care. I would just rather they do it at home, so I can sit inside my warm, to 72 degrees, house, sip some hot cocoa and watch them from the window LOL.

I fear our decent trick or treat weather we have had the last two years is not going to hold out for a third year in a row. We have yet to make it to a pumpkin patch this year yet either...just too cold, not to mention we've been a little busy. Hopefully we can find time to get to one before they close up, or since we went to 2 last year...will one count for this year? :)

After school fun!

My little gang...mount up :)

Miss Lily, you are too cute!
He has pretty much mastered the scooter...such a big kid.

My little man, cute as ever.

That is what I though...get warm you little fools.

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