
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Flying the friendly skies!

It is go time, Florida here we come! I am not looking forward to the red eye flights, but they were cheaper and we thought Jericho might sleep some of the way. Putting the big kids to bed tonight was rough, they really didn't want any of us to go. We know they are going to have a great time with Grandma!

All ready to go. I should have known I was bringing my "Jeffrey" and looking nice for what added up to be 13 hours of flights and layovers was silly. Anyone who has seen the Bill Cosby Himself know's who Jeffrey is LOL.
Jericho at the check in counter...he really did not want to say good bye to his carseat.
We hung around for awhile, waiting for our flight to board. Somewhere around here we crossed over into Thursday the 11th.

It was dark out, we took off just before 1am. Jericho loved looking at the planes.
He could not figure out why this guy wouldn't wave or talk to him. He got real close and waved bye, you know in case he wasn't making himself clear LOL.

Our flight was on time!
He loved the escalators...they helped us kill a lot of time, and tire one little dude out! The boys sure had a lot of fun :)
 Here we go!
On our first flight...time to buckle up Buddy! We didn't get him his own seat, but there were empties on the plane. After take off the person sitting next to Jason and I moved somewhere else, so Jericho ended up with his own seat after all!
My booby boy...he is never going to give this up.

While going through the safety info we found our air sick had been enhanced LOL.
Yay...out like a light. The drink was for me Hehehe!
Our first leg was almost 6 hours. Jericho slept probably 4 and 1/2 of that! We had a 4 hour lay over in Dallas...almost killed us, we were so tired but baby boy was ready to rock n roll....once he woke up.

Me...tired, what do ya mean?!?!
Breakfast in Texas!
Then it was back on a plane for another 3+ hours. Mr. Amazing did really great, slept for much of the flight again. Even though he had his moments, we were very impressed.
He woke up just before we landed and had had enough. We worked on a little coloring, and watching out the window.

Taking the tram to get our car!

Oh yeah...gonna rally the Versa! We usually drive pretty fast but y'all in Florida get on it. Gotta add this funny story. We were going 80 and I hear this from Jason...."I'm doing 80 and am about to get passed by what looks to be a company car." As said company car passes us Jason notes the company, a doggy daycare, then further tells me the driver is a Christian...per his bumper sticker, and was talking in the phone...all while doing 90 LMAO!
Checking out the room.
We landed around 2pm, and everyone was jet lagged. We stopped for a little nap in our room.
Then headed out to dinner. Mmm a drink was needed.
Bed time came early...he passed out in his clothes and shoes LOL.
Not looking forward to tomorrow, but so glad we got here safe and sound. We are all missing the trio already...but we have so much to do, this really isn't going to be a fun trip. Hopefully we can all do Disney World in a couple years!

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