
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Must have shades for Florida.

Tomorrow Jason and Jericho and I head to Florida. We needed to get the proper gear :) After I dropped the trio off at school, Jericho and I did a little last minute shopping!
He was so fun to shop with today, we spent forever in the sunglasses section. We tried on many pairs, and ended up finding a pair each that totally make us look fabulous LMAO!
Cute Jericho, but I just don't think those are THE ones :)

Goof. handsome!
I found a pretty cool pair myself!
Xander was feeling the photo bug itch today...he managed to take a couple good ones!

They drew a spider web at school today, Lily was caught in it.
My super stud little year and a half old was pushing these two 40 pound girls around in the wagon. Beef Cake!
Miss Haddie...cutie. Oh she is not going to like her Daddy leaving tomorrow...poor baby.

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