
Monday, November 12, 2012

Now the check list gets some checks.

My "honey-do list" is seeing some action. You know all those little things around a house that over time break or get worn and need attention. That stuff is usually, at least for us it seems, so far on the back burner that they have actually fallen behind the stove LOL. Until you want to get your house put on the market that is. Jason and I have been getting some long over do little things fixed and touched up around here.

Today Jason went up in the crawl space and left a gaggle of semi worried kiddos below.
Jericho actually came running to get me, a la Lassie, and lead me back to the empty ladder pointing up to the open crawl space yelling "Daddy."

After being reassured that Dad was just fine...the kids decided the ladder was a lot of fun.


They all stood by until their Dad came down :)
How can Thanksgiving be only 10 days away...crap! So much to do over the next couple of months. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Jericho's Bday, hopefully moving...this year is sure ending on a hectic note, one that has carried since September.

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