
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I've got this!

After I picked the kids up from school I took all 4, by myself, to Jo-Ann's. I have been easing into doing more stuff with the 4 of them on my own. Not sure why I have always been such a wuss about it but I have. We spent a good hour in one got lost, nothing got broken, we didn't have any shit fits...figuratively or otherwise and I didn't spend too much money...go me!

The trio had an amazing time, they loved looking at all the crafty goodness.
I can't say that they didn't talk me into buying a couple extra things.
We got home and the munchkins played with play dough. 2 hours later and my kitchen was a total disaster.

The kids found an old picture of me and Jason. December 2004...holy crap! They didn't even know it was me. They say it was the hair that threw them off...hopefully it is not that I look super shitty now LOL.
Despite them, in a round about way, telling me I look old and ugly...I made the kiddos a little dessert. They loved them just as much as they did the first time we made them.


  1. I don't blame you in the least for not wanting to go out with all 4. It's a PITA to tote kids around. In and out of the car and the carseats. shoes come off. Socks come off. Diapers need to be changed.

    And then they don't listen in the store. They wander off. They ask for a million things.

    And I only have 2 kids - not 4.
