
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One of our few store bought crafts.

It was a lovely Fall day today. When I picked up the kids from school I put them on the hunt for some leaves. We came home with a bag full, and ready to get crafty!
4 year olds are so funny, the stuff that comes out of their mouths and the conversations we have keep me smiling all day.

Hayden is big on telling us we are "genius" when we fix something or explain something to her.
Lily was having fun throwing leaves in the air. If only we had a rake and could have made big piles for jumping in :)
When we got home the trio decided they wanted to make some cute Turkey craft that was sent to us. Guess we will just save our big bag of leaves for another day. I must say how nice it was to not have to draw and cut out everything by hand for once!

I gave them each a Turkey kit and then read the directions step by step and had them do most of it by themselves. They did a great job following along with the directions, pulling out the parts we needed and keeping somewhat organized. They have come so far, I think a lot of thanks goes to their Pre-K class.

Of course the glue bottle I find is defective...that made for more mess and slower going.

Putting all the feathers on all by themselves.
Such big kids, I just don't even know where the last 4 years have tiny babies have been replaced by school kids WHAT?!

All done, cute little Turkey's...the crafts are pretty cute too :)
You can see Xan got into some permanent marker. These are his "tattoos" he says. Yay I get to have the "not until your 18 talk" already LOL.

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