
Friday, November 16, 2012

Free at last...why am I so sad?

I know I have complained mentioned before that Mr. Jericho is a boobie addict, and that I am so ready to be done, the boy has refused bottles since he was a month old. Well operation 'milk bar shut down' has begun. It is something I have been looking forward to for a good 6-12 months, depending on the day LOL. Never the less a part of me is sad, how someone can be a 24/7 milk bar for 2 years then feel like they are depriving their child when they finally call it quits I don't know...but I do. I know as time goes on, and my sleep quality goes up, I will get over it, but right now it is bittersweet.

It all started last night, I have been cutting him back over the last few months and telling him that soon boobie would be done, but he was still clockwork with nursing before bed and 2-3 times during the night. Last night he was super tired so I tried to just snuggle him to sleep...and to my surprise he didn't fight me for more. He still woke up for his 2 and 4 am feedings but it was a start.

Tonight I had the bright idea that maybe if he wasn't still sleeping in my room the midnight snacking would stop. The triplets were ify at first...their baby brother isn't always gentle or nice to them, but they got on board and said he could sleep in their room. I figured the company would be better than trying to get him to sleep in a room all by himself. He joined in their pre-bed messing around and destroying their room, he actually didn't even ask to nurse before bed and ended up passing out first. He fell out of bed and started crying around 2am. I put him back in bed, he asked for "boobie" once but I told him that boobie is all done and gave him some water. To my surprise he passed back out and didn't get up again until the trio got everyone up around 8:30am.

Oh man to have my body, my bed, my room not have to worry about whispering as we come to bed or worrying if Jason's snoring or tossing and turning will wake Jericho is so wonderful! I don't think we are out of the woods yet...but it is a darn good start!

The first night...Lily is up in her bunk, Jericho is in the bottom...Haddie refused to sleep there she wants her old toddler mattress on the floor for some crazy reason. Xander is on his on the floor too. I am hoping once Xander has had enough of sharing with his sisters he and Jericho will make the switch to the other bedroom, whatever works I guess. Pay no mind to the mess or the broken blinds, they can be such little animals ugh LOL.
In other important news...Hostess is closing their doors..WHAT?! Jason was out shopping when I heard the horrible news on Facebook, so I texted him to buy some goodies. They were already out of Twinkies...of course, but he managed to get some other yummy stuff. These will be in the kids stockings this year...poor things have never had the pleasure of tasting the goodness that is the Hostess CupCake or DingDongs. Hopefully we can find some Twinkies, and not the ones that are going for $120 on Ebay...people are such jackasses.
We have started a minor remodel job in the bathroom...can't wait to get it done. Of course I would want it started and finished before Thanksgiving...I...err, Jason works best under a deadline Hahaha!

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