
Saturday, November 17, 2012

They are going to miss their friend.

The kiddos headed over to their "back yard" friend Stone's house for his 5th Birthday party today! They had such a blast playing with Stone, and all his toys. They are going to miss him so much when we move...I feel a little sad. Hopefully we won't lose touch with them.
RRrrrrr LOL.

Stone is such a boy...and he has all the best boy toys :)
Time to sing Happy Birthday!

Yummy cupcakes.

Hahaha Jericho enjoyed his too. What a fun way to spend 3 hours on a rainy day...thanks for having us!

Jericho is doing really great with the boobie stoppage and moving into the triplets room. I think he was ready...just needed a little nudge. He has only asked me once or twice a day since we stopped. I honestly thought he would be hounding me like crazy. I am so glad it is going better than I thought it would!

Tonight is night 2 in the trio's room and without boobie (forgive me for calling it that I just realized how stuck it is in my head since that is what Jericho says.) He went to bed just fine, but did wake up once in the night. I didn't give in to the couple of boobie requests but did have to lay with him and snuggle him for an hour or two before he passed back out and I was able to return to my room.

He has been a serious boob addict since the start, refused to take bottles once he hit 4 weeks old. He nursed around the clock much of the time and always got up at least 2-3 times a night. I never thought it would go this well. Not only do I have my body back but he is already STTN better than he ever has before. There is no turning back now!!! LOL

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