
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Now you decide to not cheese.

I am trying to get Jericho's Bday party invites done so I can mail them out. I just need to take a picture of the birthday boy for the invite. Never in a million years would I have thought my youngest...AKA Cheese Factory, would be uncooperative. I tried about 3 different times today to get Jericho to hold his little Elmo stuftie and take a picture...all were total wastes of time. I don't get it, Jericho is the only one we can count on to always cheese for the camera, I don't care what he is doing if I pull out the camera and say cheese he beams at me and says cheese right back. Oh well guess I will keep least I have a cute subject :)

He was happy to ride his horse around and smile lots. 

But this is the kind of stuff I was getting when I asked him to take a picture with Elmo LOL.

I even tried to get him to do it because everyone else did...peer pressure baby! Didn't work with Mr. Jericho, he is his own man I guess :)

Bug just wanted to take a pic with her pony, silly girl.
There is a funny story behind this little gun. Isn't there always?. So today Xander got his pants dirty. I took them off him but did not get him a new pair right away. Of course my crew more often that not are sans underwear. Xander is naked from the waste down, holding this little toy gun and screaming at anyone who will listen to get him some pants. Jason and I were both finishing up something and not able to get him pants right that second. His screaming of "pants, pants, I want some pants" gets louder so Jason...not quite thinking long term tells Xander to "hold on to your pecker." First, we don't call it that...second, I think he was trying to be funny...we would say something like hold on to your britches but since Xan wasn't wearing any I think pecker just came to mind. Funny you may say...I might have agreed if Xander didn't think his Dad was talking about his little gun. The rest of the day we got to hear all about how he is "holding his pecker" and that he "should be careful, his pecker is dangerous." LMAO. I hope he doesn't go to school and start talking about his pecker. Great job babe.
We are still doing some packing. I ran into the triplets quilts that they brought home from the NICU with them. I love these, I wish I knew who made them. It is funny I can look at pictures of them tiny and frail all day long...but bring out these and I will tear up.

Xander's quilt.
Haddie's quilt.

Lily Bug's quilt.

We also packed up our big fish tank. With just Test in there it was kind of silly to keep it up and running...and with us hoping to move soon it was pointless to stock it with a bunch of fish. So Test gets to chill in one of our little Beta tanks. He doesn't look impressed does he? Hahaha.

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