
Friday, November 9, 2012

They keep us laughing.

This morning the trio made donuts with their sleep over guest. The kiddos had a fun time making the donuts...but I think eating them was their fave LOL.

An old Pinterest rec...Grands biscuits turned donut! They were just as good this time as they were the first time we made them :)

Way to go make a mean donut.

Miss Hailee joined right in. Now we have a small idea of what quads would have been like. 4 four year olds was something else LOL.

Mmm..they are sure no Krispy Kreme, but not too bad.

Jericho didn't seem to mind eating the donuts at all, his tune sure changed when he had to have a short shower after breakfast, he was covered in sugar.
Jericho, Lily and I are fighting colds...poor lil guy passed out today for a much needed nap. They sure are few and far between these days.

After dinner tonight Jason had a lot of help on hand to assist him in constructing the girls new, smaller, bunk beds.

Xan, this may go better if you turn the directions right side up LOL.

You know how they say "too many hands in the kitchen" ... well you can also have too many hands help build a set of bunk beds.
Oh many parts, but stuff always looks great once you scream and slam your way through the instructions.
Haddie was actually happy to be putting the big white bunk beds in least she was until these were done. 4 year olds...what can ya do?!
She did snap out of it just in time to make Jason and I bust out laughing. So Lily is a very cautious child. When she was trying to climb down from her perch the first time she got a little hung up. She couldn't find the next ladder rung, and was yelling about it, saying "Daddy I need a little help here." Jason told her to look in the mirror (their closet doors are those lovely mirror type) and watch her feet. She kept going on and on about not knowing where to put her legs, she kept dangling her legs and asking for "a little help here." Jason started laughing because she was so cute, then Xander and Hayden joined in and started laughing too. Jason wasn't too sure they really got what was so funny, then Lily said "hey what's so funny you guys?" She finally got down and everyone stopped laughing for just a second. Then Haddie climbed up to the exact position Lily was in, dangled her feet and said  "I can't figure out where to put my legs, I need a little help here...hey what's so funny." She was totally mocking her sister, and got a good laugh out of everyone. Little brat. 

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