
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Gingerbread fun.

I have been really slacking this Christmas in the craft department. The last couple years I had the trio do so many things, I think they may have gotten a little tired of it all. This year we have only done a handful, and my house and windows seem a bit bare. So we did a little painting and house making tonight!

They are really trying to keep it between the lines these days...such big kids!
Look at that concentration :)

I helped a little here and there, but they did most of the painting themselves....and it still took 3 hours to get 4 Christmas masks painted. UGH.

Everyone picked their own color scheme, and the girls wanted the antlers to be polkie dot.

Once the bigs were done, I helped Jericho. He went a little nuts with the green.
All done!
They hated waiting for them to dry, thankfully I had them use acrylic and it dries super fast.

Jericho loved his too. He kept holding it up and the ripping it down like he was playing peekaboo LOL.


Then as if I hadn't had enough, after dinner we helped the kiddos make their very first gingerbread houses....mine to actually.

Everyone was a fan, I thought 4 little houses would have been better than one or 2 big ones, but next time I think we will go big....probably easier to decorate.

Jericho had a one for the house, one for me plan of attack.

Then after a little while it was 2 for him, 1 for the house LOL.

They had so much fun, nobody was ready to be done. Hayden got very upset telling us her house wasn't "fabulous" yet LOL.

All done! We are ready for Christmas Eve!

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