
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree.

First let me say how glad I am that we are all still here...woohoo for surviving 12/21/12 yesterday!

Grandma and Pop Pop Randy were nice enough to treat us all to a little 1 hour long play today. The "Princess and the Pea" was really fun, love the new drag-esque that many plays are doing these days, kinda neat for the kids to see gender roles switched up. Xander, Haddie and Lily did fantastic, I even think the girls could probably handle a real...full length, play. Jericho did really well too for the most part, especially once it got started and the actors caught his attention.
One of the actors asked the trio to hold an umbrella for later in the show...they guarded it with their lives LOL.

After the show we stopped over at Grandmas real quick for some yummy Christmas cookies :) 

Then we headed home and got started on getting our tree and decorations up. The last couple of years we have waited until the last minute like this so we can make it to Christmas without having to take all our crap down early because the kids don't leave stuff alone. The year we actually put our tree away early is still too fresh in our minds I guess LOL. We had a lot of, tonight Hahaha.
Xander and Jericho took a short break from hanging ornaments to play with the tree box.

The trio did a really good job, what a difference just a couple of years make.

Jericho managed to take off more ornaments than he put on, of course.

We will be doing some rearranging later tonight I'm sure LOL.

Our stockings :)

The kids loved seeing their older photo ornaments...they all look so different now.

I loved this can see the tree reflected in her eyes :)
They are so excited for Christmas, Santa, parties and presents...I can't wait to see their faces when they open their stuff. I totally love giving more than receiving, it is so good for the heart. So excited to get things started with our big family Christmas party on Christmas Eve!

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