
Thursday, January 3, 2013

A little more Christmas!

Uncle Rick and Cousins Tyler and Brandon came over for a couple hours today to do a little gift exchange. The kiddos were so excited to see them :)

This was Xander waiting for them to get here LOL.

Auntie Tia had to work...but she did such a great job buying for the kids. Thanks T...and all, they LOVED everything!

Xan was in Spider-Man heaven.

Jericho wasn't too sure of these masks at first.

The girls were in Hello Kitty heaven.

My son loves him some Spider-Man :)

Uncle Rick opening one of his gifts...they of course loved their yearly calendar. I don't think I am ever going to get out of these now LOL.

Jericho got a cute Cookie Monster that he loves.

Did I mention that Xan was in Spider-Man Heaven...this he slept in LOL.

Haddie loved her Hello kitty hat!

So cute!

Jericho got to try on some of Xander's stuff....when Xander wasn't looking of course LOL.
Tyler and Xander.

My senior in high school nephew having a spot of tea with my 2 year old...can't get much cuter :)

Thanks guys for be so good to us, we loved our gifts as well. The kids are so lucky to have the family that they do, we love you!

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