
Friday, January 4, 2013


Jason and I took the kiddos to OMSI again today. I love having a membership there for our wet, cold and sometimes snowy Oregon winters. I can't wait for summer to come back...only have to bide my time until oh, JUNE. A couple hours in OMSI feel like 4, I am always so beat when we get home.

My big they have grown.
Xan, Haddie and Lily had fun with this exhibit for a good half hour.

I love that the three of them can play so well together...and actually enjoy doing it :)

Miss Bug. The smallest of my 4 1/2 year olds...wearing a size 7 shirt that we bought for Hayden. They are getting so big!

OMSI rocks...they have some of the best stations and ways to let kids explore and learn at the same time.

Taking an elevator ride.

Hahaha they loved looking down at all the other people.

Off to the next thing.

A marble experiment.

Finally we made it to the Gross-ology exhibit. The bigs thought this giant talking and moving Cruella-ish robot was cool...Jericho, not so much.

Lily had to grab him by the hand and pull him up. We didn't ask her too, I guess she just wanted her baby brother to see that the robot thing wasn't scary LOL.
Lets go get grossed out.

A lot of the stuff was geared toward older kids...but they had fun anyway. Boogers anyone.

We headed off to the smaller kid area.

Some fun in the sand. They like to keep us guessing, last time we were here the kids were all about the water exhibit...this time they didn't spend but 5 min in there.

Hahaha check it out Jericho.

Brothers :)

Jericho watches everything Xander does...he is his idol I think.

Then Xan and Haddie spent some time in the arts and crafts room.
Looking good Bud.

Hayden was making a book mark for me :) Now that Jericho is out of our bedroom I have gotten back to reading every night before bed...already through 3 books LOL. I didn't even realize how much I missed reading. I NEED a Kindle, it would make it so much easier.

Stand back, this is dangerous!

Thankfully we didn't have a meltdown when it came time to go home today. Can't wait to go back!

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