
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fun with our Irish triplet friends.

We had a fun evening planned with our good friends...the "Irish" trio T,J and N. I made the mistake of telling the munchkins this morning. Can you guess how many times I was asked "are they going to be here soon?" LOL.
A yummy new twist on lunch helped pass a little time. Ever had a grilled cheese mac&cheese sandwich? Mmm tasty!
Then my girls had some fun being pillow case caterpillars :)
She sure is cute!
My baby bug is growing up...I can't believe how mature the trio are looking these days.

Haddie had to have a turn too.

Then our friends is always so much fun, loud fun LOL, when we get this bunch together. Dinner and a movie in your PJ's, is there anything more fun?
The girls are so cute.
Hahaha funny height difference here...Tally is 8 months older, such an adorable lil peanut!
Jericho had fun, until he took a little spill out of the "wagon of death." Curious about that comes from the "basket of death," and an earlier get together with T,J and N.
After a super hands on dinner of pizza and salad, everyone got comfy and watched Brave for the first time. The trio enjoyed their very first "Ring pops" they were immediate fans!
We had such a great time...must do it again soon. Though this time without J getting sick on the drive home, sorry Dina...hope he is feeling better tomorrow.
In other news...we plan to get started on the remodel job of the new house late this week...can't wait to get it done so we can move! I will be posting pics as we go...Pinterest, don't fail me now :)

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