
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The silly never stops...thank goodness!

While I was trying to get the trio dressed for school today, Haddie decides to leave her shirt on her head and run around, naked mind you, being Rapunzel. She was too cute to not take a few pics.

My pretty baby...oh I think her Dad and I are in trouble :)

Hahaha she is such a goofball!

Of course then Xander and Lily had to get in on the silly fun.

We didn't send Valentines with the trio to school today, the teachers never gave us a list of names or let us know that the class participates in an exchange. So I was surprised when the kiddos came home with a goodie bag each. Way to go Kimberly, and her mom, now I feel like I should have just done something anyway LOL.
Speaking of school...What do you NOT want to see when you are dropping your kids off at school? About 12 police officers surrounding a whole block on the block over from said school :( I am not sure what was going on...haven't heard anything on the news about it. I stopped on my way in and talked to the officer, I told him I was taking my kids to that school right there...pointing to the school a block away, and asked if my kids were going to be in any danger. He told me there was no concern. I told the teachers and then sat in the parking lot for a half hour LOL.

Oh and another school related story...funny one this time. Yesterday was a crafting and cleaning kind of I was in sweat pants all day. When we got to school to drop off the trio Xander says "Mom why are you in sleeping pants?" I ignore him. The second time he yells it I say "Shhh dude, people think I'm going to the gym, and you are blowing my cover." LOL


  1. A few weeks ago there was a shooting a block from my house. Our street was closed off for 10 hours.

    I had to talk to the cops to find out if they were going to let kids walk through to get home. We live 2 blocks from the high school and elementary school. It was a crazy day.

  2. That would have freaked me out too.
