
Thursday, February 14, 2013

There is a lot of LOVE here!

The little peeps went right back to being silly this morning. Haddie was making undies on her head look so fun that Jericho had to grab something and join in.

Now on to the Valentine goodness! First of all, never open a Valentine's Day gift in front of 4 will come up 4 treats short :) Thanks babe, I love you too!!! The trio were so cute, they yelled out "Happy Valentine's Day" to the delivery man who brought these yummy morsels, he laughed and said it back to them LOL.

Oh man these things are good.

Hahaha yeah, yeah I shared. I couldn't wait for the kids bed time so I could pig out in peace LMAO!

Wow that is a lot of cards LOL. The girls each gave me one and the boys gave gave me one together, then I got one for Jason, he got one for me...and he got one for each of the kids...some wouldn't relinquish their cards for the photo LOL. On top of all these the trio came busting into our room this morning each holding up money. They found the cards their Great Grandpa had sent them, I didn't know 4 1/2 year olds knew about money...but boy these 3 sure do. They were talking about all kinds of fun ideas of how to spend it LOL.
Their Daddy helped the kiddos pick out perfect cards for me...I LOVE them so much :)

I loved the card from my sweet hubby too. It was one of those music cards, it  plays the Orleans song 'Still The One'...perfect! I love you so much're still the one too :)

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