
Thursday, March 7, 2013

May have some baseball stars on our hands!

No trip to the new house for us today, we needed a recovery day from yesterday LOL.
We have our annual Bunny pics this weekend, so we went out to find the kiddos something to wear. I couldn't believe it when I found this dress, amazingly perfect for our little Lily Bug. The only problem is making her wait until Saturday to wear it LOL.
We have my sisters wedding to go to in May, I saw this cute little jacket that I think will look adorable on Lil Man. I think it is handmade, there were no tags at all, and it just had that handmade look to it.
The buttons are really interesting too.
After lunch the littles headed outside to play. Mother Nature may have felt bad about yesterday and was making it up to me LOL. It was lovely today, the kids played hard for a good 2 1/2 hours!
Haddie tried out her new helmet...can't wait to move, they will get to do so much more bike riding.

Must have a pic with Alvin too, of course :)

They wasted no time getting dirty.

Then we had a little baseball game.

Saw some nice form out there...and some good distance on the ball too LOL.

Lily was helping to call people out or safe...she even tossed out some advice to "slide, slide!" Hahaha! Xander and Jericho spent a lot of time sliding to imaginary bases.
Lily took her turn at bat, she did pretty good and ran like heck to 1st base.
Haddie crushes it!

Lily doing some cheering as her sis "slides" into home...Hayden now knows that sliding on the hardwoods are much easier than out in the yard LOL. Then a cute high five. Bug is such a great cheer leader, she was coming up with all kinds of chants and offering lots of hugs and attempts to lift up the cute!

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