
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What a fiasco.

Yesterday went so well, stopping by the new house and putting in a few hours of work, then feeding the kiddos a PB & J sammie on the drive to school after leaving the remodel site, we decided to do it again today....and we got burned. Shortly after we arrived Jason noticed two of our tires were really low. He had already unloaded the boys, I asked him to take the girls with him...maybe I could still get some painting done if only 2/4 of the little crew were there. For some crazy reason it didn't dawn on me that I sent the more mellow children with my husband, that is until the boys started trashing the place. I mean how can you trash a practically empty house, and so quickly?!?! They found a way. The car was going to take an hour, Les Schwab is just up the road so Jason and the girls walked back to the house. I was able to get the master bath painted...but the boys had made a bit of a mess that Dad helped them clean up while I moved on to the last wall that needed paint in the master bedroom.

Jason got a call from Les seems the two tires were OK to pump back up but somehow both rims were cracked. Of course Les Schwab wouldn't put them back on. Jason, and Xander, walked back to Les Schwab to see what they could work out. We didn't want to buy the kind of wheels Les Schwab had, and the dealership we bought the car from didn't have any in stock. We had to order two wheels from the dealer, thankfully they gave us a loaner wheel and Les Schwab agreed to put it on one side and our spare on the other. Now Jason just had to borrow my brothers car and go pick up the loaner from the dealership...a good 30 min away, each way. Mind you hours had passed during all this...we had only planned to be there for about 3 hours, the kids were now starving for lunch...which we packed, but was in the car. And Jericho needed a diaper, which we didn't bring. So Jason got a ride from Auntie Amber first to the store to buy a pack of diapers, then out to me to drop off Xander and the lunch we packed for everyone, and then to go pick up Scott's car so he could head out to get the loaner wheel.

The kids were crazed, it was 8 hours of hell. I get that being stuck in an empty house with no toys, no TV, no nothing really sucks...then you throw in the rain so you can't go out back and play, sucks even more...but goodness. When Jason, in our car, pulled up I was so happy. I was just done, beat and ready to go home. I did manage to get the master bedroom and bathroom painted, and all the corners and spots missed in the living room and hallways. Jason got the new lights put in the bathrooms...but he was hoping to get a good start on sanding the kitchen cabinets and that didn't even get started. Now, the big we try it again tomorrow???

The master bath paint drying....I love this color, and that it dries more gray and less lavender.

The kids had fun helping to clean up the mess they made. Who doesn't love a shop vac :)

The girls have already started being bossy about their bedroom. We had them coming to us to make Jericho get out of their room. It starts LOL.

Even though it was raining the munchkins still wanted to go outside.

Xander cleaned was nice, kept him busy for almost an hour LOL.
Jericho, already not following the "No Boys Allowed" rules for his sisters room. I think this battle will rage for a long time.

Yay food...we are saved. A little picnic lunch in our new house. The ONLY time the kids sat still all day.

Right back to fun and games.
My bedroom...just need to work on getting the trim white and it is DONE!

Project start to finish

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