
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What's the harm in adding one more project.

We stopped over at the new house for a couple hours today. I was dying to see how the bathroom paint dried...which was beautiful :) Then I finished up a little more painting, while Jason got some of the counters off in the kitchen. We have maybe another 2 hours of painting to do then the whole house will be DONE.
And since we are freeing up some of our workload, Jason and I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and sand and re-stain the kitchen cabinets. Why not add more to our is only a little sanding and staining right?! LOL.

The kiddos were little PITA's, running all over the house getting into crap Hahaha.

Almost ready for the granite...that should be going in on Sunday!

We are just about done with all the "easy" stuff like painting walls. The tile is all down, still needs grout though. Trim needs to be painted, doors sanded and painted, then once the floors are sanded and the Swedish finish is on we can put all that crap back LOL. The place is really looking great, can't even believe it is the same house! It has come a long way from our first walk through.

Project start to finish

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