
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Whew floors looking better.

Back for another long day of punishment at the new house LOL. It was a gorgeous day, the kiddos got to play with their cousin Hailee all day.
The kids love the trees out front of the house, I just hope the trees can stand up to all their love Hahaha.

Jericho had a great time driving Hailee's little quad around the backyard. Too bad the poor things battery didn't hold up very long.

The crew found a Ladybug :)
My sweet Little Man....thanks love.
Wub wub wub!!!

Amber and I got 2 coats of paint on almost all of the trim....would have put a third on but a bunch of little kamikaze bugs were getting stuck in the paint grrr.

Got a start on staining some cabinet doors.
Lunch time...these picnics are becoming a norm LOL!

Jason did a great job working on "fixing" some ugly spots...I think it is going to be OK.
Drawers got their 2nd coat of more and they will be DONE. I am so tired, today was a long one.

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