
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Now we're getting somewhere!

We had a full day of remodel work planned today, the fun never stops ya know. It doesn't look like we are going to hit our April 1st goal, but we could be moving in around mid April maybe.

The girls dresses for their Auntie Allie's wedding came...we haven't tried them on yet, but they are so cute!

I got a second coat of stain on some kitchen cabinet doors. Tip...never ever ever do beveled edges on your cabinets. They are a pain in the ass to clean, sand and/or stain/paint. If I ever have say in cabinets again they will be plain front, I will dress them up with stain and more nooks and crannies I tell you!

The drawers got their last coat of poly today...DONE!
Xan, more fun with an old box.
The kiddos were having a blast in the back yard pretty much all day. It has been so helpful having beautiful weather the last few days. Long days of hard play makes for tired worn out munchkins :)

So cute!
Sisters, wub!

Just too adorable :)
OK I got a little carried away.
Jericho wanted to get in on the photo shoot. He plopped himself down here totally without being asked Hehehe.

Little ham :)

A little brother rough house time...Jericho is a tough little guy, he can pretty much hold his own with the bigs :)
Aww love!

OK, back to work. Looks like Jason got rid of all the "shiner's" that the edger put on the floor, the wood ended up coming out real nice. We vaccumed the whole house, then used wet tshirts to wipe down the floor to get up anything the vaccum may have missed

It was quite the process...and we have to do it all over again.
Once all the dust, lint...anything and everything is off the floor the first coat of the "Swedish finish" goes on.
It was great to see the wood starting to come alive. It is going to be a beautiful color.

Once the first coat is on, you wait 2 hours...then put on a second coat and wait for 24 hours.

So pretty!
Can't wait to see it tomorrow!
Project start to finish
Walk through.
Haddie has been after me for days to take a picture of this rock. This love of rocks is not going away...hmm some girls love horses, some love rocks LOL may have a budding geologist on our hands

A team huddle before a quick dinner.

A little Jericho funny today. We had cookies for after dinner. Jericho was done first and was getting quite impatient for dessert. When everyone was done I began handing out the cookies. He comes running to me pointing and yelling "cookie." I told him a couple times to calm down then I said "that is not how you ask, what do you say?" Jericho looked me in the eyes and said "right now!" Hahaha I had a hard time but between laughs I told homie that the correct answer was to say please LMAO!

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