
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Future stuntman.*

Chill day at home today. The kiddos are all trying to get over this cough that is hanging on...thankfully that is all it really was. We have been so lucky, Jericho kept the pukey poopy bug to himself, and it was a cough from Lily that got passed around. Hope we always get so lucky LOL!

I was put in my place by Haddie today. Admittedly I was being kinda snotty to Lily, she is back in a defiant whiny place right now and my patience at times runs thin, so today she was being a bear about not wanting to pick up her toys. I told her "fine I will just give your toys to a little girl who needs them and will take care of them" which of course made Lily upset. Hayden piped up with a "knock it off Mom, that is not nice to say to Lily." Owned LOL.

Dinner tonight was scrumptious, and the kids actually ate them well too!
 Cheddar and spinach chicken burgers!

We doubled this and got 12 patties.
1 1/4 lb ground chicken breast(pre ground or grind your own if you can!)
2 oz fresh baby spinach(or frozen, thawed and drained)
1/2 small onion
1 small clove garlic
2 stalks green onion
1 TB fresh parsley leaves
3 oz shredded aged white cheddar (we just used regular cheddar cheese)
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp soy sauce
1/4-1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4-1/2 cup bread crumbs

Wilt your baby spinach by pouring boiling water over it while in a colander in the sink(or thaw and drain your frozen spinach)
DRAIN WELL, squeeze if you need too.
In a food processor place onion, green onion, garlic, parsley and wilted spinach.
Pulse until it is fairly fine but you don't want puree.
Combine with chicken and remaining ingredients adding enough bread crumbs to make it stick together but not to your hands.
Form into patties and place on a well sprayed sheet of foil on a baking sheet.

Cover loosely with plastic and refrigerate for at least an hour.
Remove from fridge and broil on high using the middle rack for 7-9 minutes on each side, until the meat reaches 165.
Before bed tonight somehow everyone started jumping off the couch onto their Dad...I think it is unavoidable, all play with Dad ends up on the rough side, usually for Jason LOL.
Jericho was so funny, he had the best jump and landing. He kept doing it over and over again, his first few jumps he gave a warrior yell as he jumped, but by the time I stopped laughing and grabbed my camera he had stopped that part :( He could be a stunt man jumping on a horse one day...just look at that form!!! Hehehe!

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