
Saturday, April 6, 2013

The clock is ticking.

We got back to work on the remodel today, it had been a couple days. It is hard to take the kids over there when it is raining and they can't really get out of our hair and play outside. I wish summer would stop teasing us, I am ready for the rain to go for a while.

Jason made some yummy egg salad for us to take with. I am also a BIG fan of 'Dave's Killer Bread' so yummy! Dozen eggs, 3 avacados, 1/4 cup fat free sour cream, shaved carrots...good stuff!
Larry and Jason took on getting the new microwave installed. I must admit it was more of a process than I thought it would be. What?! Men DO read instructions LOL.

Larry brought his son Cody over, the kiddos had a blast chasing each other all over the place. My throat is actually super sore from playing monsters with them growling and chasing them about for an hour. I bet they pass out quick tonight!

Run aaahhhhhhh!

When I couldn't take anymore growling the munchkins watched a movie.
The little guys wanted to help install the vent for the microwave, or they just wanted to play on the ladder.

Done! Jason also got the power/plug issues the house was having nice to have a guy that can do/fix just about anything!

It is coming along...but if we hope to move in by the end of this month we better kick it back into high gear again!
Project start to finish
Walk through.
Ready to get to work Haddie? About time young lady :)
Funny thing Hayden said today. It is no secret that she is 100% a Daddy's hands down no question Jason is her very favorite person in this world. Today she said "Can I pick my own boy when I grow up?" Jason and I looked at each other, happily thinking she was starting to see the possibility of other people being important to her. Then she says "I will marry him, and I pick Daddy." LOL She is so lucky to have the worlds best Dad!

That's a good look for you Jericho, so cute!
There is my Cheese Monster :)


  1. Going to have to try Jason's egg salad recipe. Never done it that way. Better yet, can I just borrow him? I have tons of floors that need sanding. ;)

  2. LOL he is not available until this current project it done :)

    The egg salad was long as you are a fan of avacado.
