
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Trying on dresses and naked barbies.

Our weather has turned, of course, so we have been pretty much chilling at home. Today I made a pretty bomb crock pot dinner!
4 lbs boneless, skinless chicken
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup cornstarch
3 tbs low sodium soy sauce
1 tbs minced onion
1 tsp ground ginger
2 cans pineapple...any kind
2 cans mandarin oranges
Throw it all in the pot, cook on low for 5-6 hours. Serve over rice or noodles.

It was yummy! Though the girls, who seem to be back in a picky stage yet again, didn't care for it.
I took this time to explain, again, about not wasting food...that there are a lot of people that don't have enough food to eat. My sweet boy Xander piped up and suggested we send them some of ours. Then he kept up with it, and told me we have to share Momma, we should ask them to join us.
Later Xander was messing around with some dolls. He came to me and said look at these two stuck ladies LOL. Hmmm he better not be watching anything that isn't PG.

The girls got to try on their dresses for my sisters wedding.
They loved them...and were showing me how Princesses hold their dresses :)
Little Man wanted to be in a picture too. Jericho has started "telling" jokes. It is so funny. He comes up and says "How?" if you say how back he mumbles some jibberish then starts laughing. We laugh too, even if we couldn't understand the punch line LOL.
Then the spinning and twirling started...this went on for a while LOL.

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