
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Odds and ends.

We are nearing the end on the remodel stuff...pretty much just cleaning now. Before and after pics coming soon! We are running out of time though, going to end up bumping into when we leave for vacation, so it looks like we will start moving in after we get back. We were stressing ourselves out too much trying to get moved before we leave anyway, this way we won't be under any pressure.

Jason and my nephew B got the holes for the dog run dug...after getting the machine stuck for 2 hours and having to dig it out, nothing is ever easy right?!
One final, I hope, paint touch up in the kitchen to paint over the excess caulk. Jason washed up and sealed half the granite too...looking good!

Grandma has made some major progress on the kids Disney attire. Today I helped with the ties for the girls dresses, and the mouse heads. Pains in the butt both of them LOL.

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