
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Training for the Vegas heat.

Yay May is here, lots of exciting stuff going on this month. Vegas, My sister's wedding, the Grand Canyon, Disney, moving...oh I hope we survive :)

Woohoo...summer is here! Who knows how long it will stick around, but a week in the 80's will certainly be helpful for getting us used to what it is going to be like in Vegas next week. We enjoyed the nice day and stayed to play at the trio's school playground for about an hour after I picked them up.

Haddie told me she wanted to show me her new "trick." Check out my 4 1/2 year old...with zero help from me, amazing!

Xander's hair should be sun-bleached white in no time LOL.

Pretty tree :)
Enjoying the beautiful flowers.
Poor tree, it took a bit of abuse today LOL. Xander was shaking it like crazy, playing some make believe game with Lily, I was sure a branch was going to snap.

Then we stopped by Grandma's to hang out for a couple hours playing in the back with Grandma and Auntie Stacie. Of course Lily was getting hungry, so she helped Grandma make everyone a little snack.
The kiddos had so much fun with Auntie Stacie.

Then they spent a half hour watering Grandma's flowers and garden. They really love watering stuff, we ended up having to cut them off LOL.

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