
Sunday, April 14, 2013


Auntie Stacie spent a few hours having fun with the munchkins before heading back home today. She came bearing lots of fruit, to the tune of a bag of pears, a box of blueberries, a whole pineapple and a bag of oranges. The wrecking crew went to work and demolished everything, save for a couple pears and a few oranges. Stacie and I actually managed to get a few bites...just had to move really fast LOL.

After lunch I pulled out the Volcano "toy" that Stacie had given to Xan for Christmas. He has been asking to play with it a couple of times a month since he got it. I was so glad Stacie got to be here to have fun with it too.
Everyone was so excited to see it in action.

The eruption was a little small maybe, but the kiddos sure didn't mind. Now I know how amazing they are going to think a bigger one a school project or something, do they still make those for school projects?

Silly kids. They already want to do it again LOL. This same volcano can also make an ice eruption too...will have to check that out soon.

Then we decided to get started on our end of the year gifts for the trio's teachers.
I had planned to make the same ones we did for the kids teachers last year, but everyone went a bit more crazy with the finger prints this I may have to change things up a bit Hahaha.

Thanks for hanging with us today Stacie, the kiddos miss you already XOXOX.

Then we headed over to the new house, because of course you can't miss a day of work. Xan, Haddie, Lily and Jericho got to enjoy a special dinner and a movie while Jason and I got busy.

Jason got more doors hung back up. I am really liking the black with white trim and cool walls...very nice look!

Doing final touches in the kitchen, can't wait to get this room finished.

The last of the staining. Still have a lot of cabinets to poly though.

Working on the laundry area doors. creeping along...gotta start packing soon, that will be the next big step ugh.


  1. Not only do the black doors LOOK awesome but how functional are they?! Think of all the scuff marks from 4 kiddos you won't see! lol Nice job with the house mama! Looks awesome!

  2. You are SO right! We have white doors now and they show so much dirt and wear, this should be much better! Thanks :)
