
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Fun with Dad!

Xander, Hayden, Lily and Jericho have really been missing their Dad lately. He has been quite busy getting some overtime in before our trip...I sure hope my kids pick up on his amazing work ethic. So after dinner tonight the kids hauled Jason outside for some fun. It has been HOT and sunny and gorgeous...I love this weather, even when I complain about it...ever so slightly.

Xander had moved their Kangaroo climber toy into this position a few days ago, but the brilliant idea to jump off it was new....and probably encouraged by Jason LOL. 
They all loved it, they wanted to jump over and over and over. Well, everyone except Haddie.
Thankfully none of my little daredevils were injured.

Xander jumped without help, but Lily and Jericho got a little hand.

Look at her, brave and beautiful!

Jericho's turn.

Hahaha Xander decided to put his helmet on.

Dad cheering him on...boys.
Hayden was feeling a little down, because she wasn't brave enough to jump. I tried to take her picture and she said "No Momma, I need to do something special for the picture." Broke my heart, I of course told her everything she does is special, but she was having none of it. Jason to the rescue...seems she is brave enough to be spun around so fast she couldn't stand up on her own for 3 minutes :)

Of course my little adrenaline junkies wanted a turn.

Lily doing some somersaults....she was so proud, athletics and Bug do not always go hand in hand LOL.

After all the wonderful energy burning fun they passed out like little rocks.

Such cuties!

Monkey around some more.

Lily wants another turn...but check out my little man, he is such a strong kid.

Ready, set, jump!

What a fun day!

Funny kid tidbit to share. So our flight to Vegas is coming up soon, Hayden is still freaking out about flying. Everyone else is excited. We are still trying to talk it up. Yesterday, we were talking about Haddie screamed and made a huge fuss. Lily pipes up with "you're a natural Hayden, a natural disaster". We all laughed so hard Hayden had to too LOL!

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