
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Final fitting on the girls Disney dresses!

We have found a renewed love of books in this house. The kids all got to pick out a new book each when we were at the store today...Xander's book wins for being the coolest!

Jericho was reading to O.J. can you see how thrilled O.J. is? LOL.
Xan's new book...amazing pop-ups, and tons of great info.

Dinner tonight was one of the easiest crock pot meals yet...largely because I cheated this time and bought pre-made frozen meat balls. The last couple of times we made our own...they turned out great, we just didn't have time for that today. So youc an make your own...a good rec here, or use frozen, dump a jar of grape jelly and a bottle of BBQ sauce in the crock pot, mix it up then add the meat balls and cook on low for 4-5 hours. Easy peasy!

Grandma stopped by to do a final fitting on the girls Disney dresses. She will be taking up more of the length...but this is them pretty much done. They are so cute...thanks Grandma, the girls love them!

The boys cute are these?! I can't excited for the kids first trip to Disney next week!

My amazingly talented sister in law and her band mates have released their first pro CD!!! Copies are available for sale if anyone wants to help support the "Broken Down Guitars." It is worth the listen!

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