
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Small pimp down!

The kids got some new hats today for our week in Vegas....eeekkk I can't believe we leave tomorrow!!!
Everyone picked their own, it is so funny to see how their style and tastes differ. Haddie was still grumpy about flying, so she wasn't in the mood to model her new hat. Miss Lily loves her little hate...even if it looks like a little pimp hat LOL.
Jericho kept taking his on and off...I think we may have a little difficulty getting him to keep it on long enough to protect his bald ass head :)

Shopping was a workout. I saw Lily doing the bob and weave, then when she passed out I said "Aww small pimp down." Jason thought it was very funny...since we just watched Katt William's stand up when he does the pimp down bit Hehehe.

When we got home Haddie was over her tude, and ready to put her new hat on. Lord please do not let these mood swings get even worse when she is a pre-teen and teen...I am not sure we can take it :\

So cute!

Xan got in on the hat photo op.

My trio...we got some stylin' almost 5 year olds!

Jericho missed the fashion show.
Well...tomorrow is the day. We have snacks and entertainment, hopefully the flight goes well. Wish us luck! I hope to be posting while we are there...but if it is radio silence for a while I will have tons to share soon. Have a fabulous week everyone!

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